Saturday 30 January 2010

I'm not a child, I promise!

[If anyone finds somewhere that sells THIS stuff, feel free to get it for me. I never got to taste it, because my luggage was too heavy, but it sounds really yummy. ]

Is it just me, or was it easier to get drunk when you were underage? I'm nearly 19, and I can't go out a lot of the time I want to, as I still have no form of ID for getting into pubs/ clubs, or the like. Why, you ask?

Well. There are several types of ID available.

Passport- I don't have a British passport, and know the chances of it getting lost, or stolen, or wet, are high... unless I spend the whole evening with a hawk's eye on it, and so not enjoy myself. Since I do a fair amount of travelling, and don't have huge amounts of money to spend getting a new passport if the one I have is rendered unuseable from going clubbing, I figured there must be a better way.

Driver's liscence- Firstly, I don't drive. Secondly, it costs about £50. Thirdly, unless you have a British passport, you have to go to some far off distant place in order to get it done, if you don't want your passport sent through the post. (and we all know what the post is like over here, right?)

Citizen card- I thought this was the soultion to all my problems. Costs about £5, can get it from your local.. anywhere... and they only want a photocopy of your passport, rather than your actual passport. HOWEVER, I've been told that a lot of clubs will turn you away with it, as they only accept passports and driver's liscences.

British Passport- I think I have to study England to get one of these, and take a test on it. And it's a bit far to get a British passport just so you can go out drinking with your friends, no?

Friday 29 January 2010

T-shirt printing

So.. I went into the printing rooms at college the other day, and they're a bit fabulous.. so I made some old doodles into T-shirt sketches, and will try out the printing rooms soonish :)

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Graphics- Seeing

This is one of my projects from when I was in graphics.. It took about 2 college days to make, including getting materials, making the figures, shooting, and edditing. My idea was to have several little 'episodes' of these. This is the first episode.. though it still needs some work... including the possibility of adding sound?

Art Brief: Place

We were set our new photography brief yesterday- Place. Not the most exciting theme, considering some of my previous projects have been on Space, Sense of place, Journies, etc. It's hard to come up with new things when the topics are so similar! I suppose it makes you be more creative, having to think of so many different things for the same basic idea, though!

I don't have a tonne of ideas for it yet.. I'm thinking along the lines of exploring tiny spaces, like inside a flower, and trying to change the perception of scale with it. I also had an idea about my perception of different places as colours before we were set the brief (from travelling back to england from new zealand.. London always feels like a milky grey to me.. with all the city buildings/ roads, and rain).

Game- Heavy Rain

Facebook kept advertising this to me, so I checked it out.. I don't know much about it yet, as I only started today (along with everyone else playing). It looks like it might be good. It's played in real time- four days each week, for 3 weeks, and a crime mystery, which uses different bits of the internet to guide you through the game. I'm hoping it's going to be able to be completed on the computer, as I don't have a ps3 to complete it with!

Hello.. I'm not entirely sure how to manage a blog, but I'm sure I'll learn!

I'm Saxon. Doing the photography pathway of the foundation course at Camberwell college of arts (University of the Arts, London). I've only been in the photography class a week, but so far I'm enjoying it.

I stole the idea of making a blog from Rory, who was in my Graphics class before I switched. Here's his blog. .
I have no idea what's going to go up on here.. I guess I'll start putting up whatever I think of, and it'll gradually ease out into something decent.. hopefully :p