Saturday 30 January 2010

I'm not a child, I promise!

[If anyone finds somewhere that sells THIS stuff, feel free to get it for me. I never got to taste it, because my luggage was too heavy, but it sounds really yummy. ]

Is it just me, or was it easier to get drunk when you were underage? I'm nearly 19, and I can't go out a lot of the time I want to, as I still have no form of ID for getting into pubs/ clubs, or the like. Why, you ask?

Well. There are several types of ID available.

Passport- I don't have a British passport, and know the chances of it getting lost, or stolen, or wet, are high... unless I spend the whole evening with a hawk's eye on it, and so not enjoy myself. Since I do a fair amount of travelling, and don't have huge amounts of money to spend getting a new passport if the one I have is rendered unuseable from going clubbing, I figured there must be a better way.

Driver's liscence- Firstly, I don't drive. Secondly, it costs about £50. Thirdly, unless you have a British passport, you have to go to some far off distant place in order to get it done, if you don't want your passport sent through the post. (and we all know what the post is like over here, right?)

Citizen card- I thought this was the soultion to all my problems. Costs about £5, can get it from your local.. anywhere... and they only want a photocopy of your passport, rather than your actual passport. HOWEVER, I've been told that a lot of clubs will turn you away with it, as they only accept passports and driver's liscences.

British Passport- I think I have to study England to get one of these, and take a test on it. And it's a bit far to get a British passport just so you can go out drinking with your friends, no?

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