Friday 23 April 2010

Goldsmiths: But Is It Art?

Take responsibility for your work
Make sure your work is seen
(rough quote by tutor at Goldsmiths)

I've been watching 'Goldsmiths: But is it Art?' on bbc iplayer today. I found what was said about socialising being fundamental to becoming successful to be interesting- that you have to know the right people, or come across as *very* determined to become successful. It is important to get out there, and to meet people, and to charm them into liking your work.

I particularly liked the aesthetic qualities of the work of painter Ian Gonczarow, and found the idea of trying to portray darker themes using a more innocent front to be interesting.

Thomas Leahy also had some very interesting work. I am unsure as to whether the sign 'private +church property+ tresspassers will be forgiven ' on his door is one of his works, or if it is just something he owns, but i found it to be a wonderful take on both ownership of property and religion. I assume it is one of his pieces because of the other work he produces- coming from a background of making armor, his pieces are made of armor, but seem to be based largely on ideas of peace and innocence. Despite his worries that the art world sees his work as 'too obvious', I particularly like that it can be understood by more than just himself, and more than just those in the art world. If art is about communication, then he is doing a particullarly good job of it.

link to episode 1:

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